Полчетвертого утра... Пора бы и спать ложиться. Сегодня до пяти вечера света не будет... Может быть пойду в парикмахерскую. И в любом случае надо пообщаться с Аленкой, она же мне еще не всю свою поездку на море рассказала.
Нашла флэшмоб по Газетто и подумала, а почему бы и нет?)) Тока вот не люблю я по одному дню писать... Но что уж тут поделать)) Вот и сам моб. Day 1: How and when did you discover The GazettE? Day 2: Who’s your favourite member? Day 3: Your favourite album. Day 4: Your favourite mini album. Day 5: Your favourite single. Day 6: Your favourite PV. Day 7: Your favourite song from DISORDER. Day 8: Your favourite song from NIL. Day 9: Your favourite song from STACKED RUBBISH. Day 10: Your favourite song from DIM. Day 11: Your favourite song over all. Day 12: A The GazettE song you know all the words to. Day 13: Your favourite The GazettE era. Day 14: Your first The GazettE song. Day 15: Your first The GazettE PV. Day 16: Your favourite group picture. Day 17: Your favourite Ruki picture. Day 18: Your favourite Uruha picture. Day 19: Your favourite Aoi picture. Day 20: Your favourite Reita picture. Day 21: Your favourite Kai picture. Day 22: Your favourite live performance. Day 23: Most memorable The GazettE moment. Day 24: Your favourite The GazettE clip/comment. Day 25: Your favourite interview. Day 26: Your favourite The GazettE quote. Day 27: A The GazettE song which you can relate to the most. Day 28: Your favourite The GazettE lyrics. Day 29: Your favourite The GazettE gif. Day 30: If you could say one thing to all of The GazettE, what would it be?