“Two days?!” his eyebrows went up in surprise. “That’s fucking crazy. You’re fucking crazy.”
When the fans cheered, someone wanted her hand shaken, to which Miyavi shook his head slightly, “No, I can’t. If I shake your hand, then I have to shake everyone else’s.”
“YEAAAAHHHH!” fans cheered.
“Ok,” Miyavi grinned at the audience. “We can do that, but we’ll have to stop the show now or we won’t have enough time.”
At some point, he also spoke in Japanese, “私は雅です(Watashi wa Miyavi desu)。あなたは・・・最高 (Anata wa...saikou)。Not ‘psycho’,” he stressed in English. “最高 is Japanese for ‘awesome.’ You guys are awesome.” Following this brief compliment, Miyavi also talked about learning English.
“You know, I went to study English in LA five years ago,” he held out five fingers to the audience. “It was hard, and blah blah blah.” Everybody laughed as he looked bored already with his own story. “You guys understand me, right?” The fans chorused, “Yes!” before Miyavi gestured to the back of the venue.
“Good, because sometimes people don’t even fucking know when I’m speaking in English or Japanese. Like those guys in the back, they think I’m fucking speaking in Japanese or something.”
He pointed at Bobo, “Bobo speaks a little bit of English too. The only word he knows is, ‘Hola.’” In continuation of the joke, he also called Bobo a “Brazilian Mexican" later on to which Bobo gave a resigned smile and the crowd laughed again.
He chatted on a bit before asking, “Alright, what songs do you want to hear--” Before finishing his question though, the fans started shouting titles that weren’t from What’s My Name?
“Ok, wait, wait,” he held the mic stand, and there was a slight grin on his face. “Let them speak. Let the crazy people who waited here for a fucking two days tell me what they want to hear.”
The audience laughed, and while there were fewer people shouting, someone shouted a name of an older song that had been played on his electric guitar.
He gave the audience a highly skeptical look, “You want me to play that on my acoustic guitar?”
Досмотрела последний переведенный концерт Эдди Иззарда. Осталось дождаться перевода Live At The Ambassador, Live From Wembley и Sexie. Этот чувак меня покорил! Он такой смешной и непринужденный!
Earlier today at home, I thought, “Oh, it’s his youngest daughter’s birthday today. That sucks that he has to be here, and can’t be with her for her first birthday.”
During the show, there was a period of time where he left the stage and had the loop going. We thought he was having guitar troubles. 5 minutes later, he walks back on stage with his little girl in his arms.
“Hi, my name is Jewelie!” he says for her, and the tiny girl peered out into the crowd, confused, but soaking up the attention willingly, just like her daddy.
Then we all sang happy birthday to her as her mother came out and took pictures of the two of them. When someone shouted out for Lovelie, he replied, “Huh? Oh, Lovelie’s sleeping right now! Shh!”
The Ishihara family is adorable and incredibly sweet. (с) emeegeewhiz
ВЫ ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЕТЕ НАСКОЛЬКО Я СЕЙЧАС ЗАВИДУЮ АМЕРИКАНЦАМ?! Папочка привез с собой все семейство!!! Зря я на Мива наговаривала... Т.т Аааа, Джевели, Мелоди!!! И спящая принцесса Лавли хде-то там)) Мияви, приезжай к нам на чью-нибудь денюху, я тоже всю твою семью хочу увидеть!!! *рыдает*
У Джевели сегодня денюшка, а папочки дома нет... Т.т
Нуу, что пожелать этой милой малышке?.. Счастья, здоровья, расти умницей и красавицей)) В общем, всего-всего! И, чтобы кое-кто был на остальных ее Днях Рождениях! *недовольнэ фэйс указывающий на Мияви* Хотя... пусть лучше бабло зарабатывает на будущее дочек!